These details will be used if we need to contact you about your submission.
Please upload a .tar.gz or .zip file containing the profiles. We generally accept profiles in any format that can be read by psrchive, but psrfits is prefered
The data can be linked to a publication or webpage. We recommend linking to a scientific publication where the data are described in detail. Please provide an ADS or astro-ph URL if possible. In fact, if you give me an ADS url I can work out the rest, but it still helps to provide as much info as you can.
By submitting your data to the EPN Database of Pulsar Profiles, you agree that the University of Manchester may distribute the data publically, according to the specified licence. You can waive copyright to the data by selecting the Public Domain Declaration later on.
Who owns the copyright in the data?
By selecting this you confirm that you have permission from the copyright holder to license the submitted data to the University of Mancester under the selected licence. We recommend the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence as this ensures you will be cited when the data are used in future publications.